Self-check evaluation list
| Check if your text contains: | Tick when checked |
1 | Title or opening question. | |
2 | Information about climate/weather, currency, time difference. | |
3 | The name of the most popular city. | |
4 | Information about 3 worth visiting places in the city. | |
5 | Reasons for choosing these 3 places. | |
6 | Information about dishes you should try there. | |
7 | 2 interesting facts, traditions connected with the city. | |
8 | The reason why to visit the city (generally). | |
9 | Pictures: | |
| 3 worth visiting places | |
| 1 dish | |
| 1 picture you can choose freely | |
! | If you checked all these points, check your grammar and spelling. | |
| grammar check | |
| spelling check | |
Congratulations! Your work is ready to hand in.
# | Beginning 1 | Developing 2 | Very good 3 | Excellent 4 | Score |
Information | I have found little information. My illustrations are few and poor. | I have found some information and a few illustrations. | I have found most of the information with good illustrations. | I have found all of the information with excellent illustrations. | 25% |
How much have I learnt about the travel destination and attractions? | I seem to have little knowledge about the facts about the travel destination and attractions. | I can accurately describe some facts about the travel destination and attractions. | I can accurately describe most facts about the travel destination and attractions. | I can accurately describe all the facts about the travel destination and attractions. | 25% |
Correctness | The text was not well-prepared.There were a lot of grammar or spelling mistakes. | The text was quite good, but there were some mistakes causing problems with communication. | The text was good and interesting. The grammar and vocabulary was at the level expected. | The text was excellent. There were some interesting grammatical structures and expressions. | 25% |
Group work | The group did not work well together. We had many problems. | The group had few problems. We completed our work. | The group worked well together, had good communication and only a couple of problems. | The group worked very well as a group, had no problems, great communication. | 25% |
Total Score: |
Źródło: Opracowanie własne: Izabella Forgiel, Katarzyna Wachowska